11 Sustainable Indoor Activities for the Average Person

In our world that is affected by global warming, winter can still be chilly and dark. It’s natural to feel a bit less motivated to engage in our favorite indoor sustainable activities when it’s cold outside and all we crave is the coziness of our homes. However, there are still so many Eco-conscious activities that we average people can enjoy right from the comfort of our winter shelter!

11 Sustainable Indoor Activities for the Average Person

Sustainable Indoor Activities for Toddlers

In this post, we’ll explore 11 fantastic indoor activities that are both environmentally friendly and perfect for keeping you entertained throughout those chilly winter months. So, let’s dive right in and chat about some sustainable indoor activities to help you lead a more Eco-friendly lifestyle.

1. Sustainable Crafts

Zero Waste lifestyle

Now is the perfect opportunity to explore the wonderful world of sustainable crafts! Spending your time on these activities not only brings joy but also promotes a more Eco-friendly lifestyle. You can start by mending clothes that have been sitting in your closet, fixing broken pottery, or repurposing items that you thought were beyond repair. There are countless YouTube videos available that can teach you how to turn old rags into a cozy blanket or even learn the ancient Japanese art of Kintsugi, where broken objects are repaired with gold or silver, transforming them into beautiful pieces of art.

Picture this: instead of tossing out that shirt with a hole in it, why not turn that hole into a lovely embroidered flower? It’s a creative way to breathe new life into your favorite garments. You can also take old clothes and transform them into a sustainable fashion statement. Imagine attaching a sleeve from one shirt onto another to create a unique and fashionable piece. Trust me, it will be loads of fun!

And it doesn’t stop there. Let your imagination run wild with up-cycled fashion, handmade décor, or even repurposed furniture. By reducing waste and recycling materials, you are not only expressing your creativity but also playing a part in building a more sustainable world.

So, take a moment to look around your living space and discover hidden treasures among the “junk” you’ve collected. You’ll be amazed at the incredible things you can create and the positive impact you can have on our planet. Let’s embark on this sociable adventure together!

2. Indoor Gardening

Zero Waste Indoor Activities at home

Indoor gardening is such a delightful and enjoyable activity that not only enhances the air quality within your home but also boosts your overall morale. It’s just the perfect opportunity to get creative and upcycle some of your old containers into charming plant pots. Just imagine how refreshing it would be to have these wonderful plants serving as captivating living decorations that never go out of style. Plus, you can always opt for utilizing the natural sunlight pouring through your windows or environmentally friendly LED grow lights to ensure the sustainability of your gardening endeavors.

To learn more about sustainable plant care visit How to Have a Sustainable Houseplant Collection

For an indoor gardening system, look at the countertop garden from 15 Sustainable Gifts for the Average Person

3. Sustainable Cooking

Zero Waste Indoor Activities

Now is the perfect opportunity for the Average Person to enhance their cooking skills and have some fun in the kitchen! Cooking is not only a great way to get creative, but it’s also a sustainable indoor activity that you can enjoy. Why not kick-start your sustainable cooking journey by using locally sourced, organic ingredients? By doing so, you’ll not only support local agriculture but also help reduce the carbon footprint caused by food transportation. If you’re up for an extra sustainability challenge, why not give plant-based and vegetarian recipes a go? They’re not only good for the environment but can also be delicious! So, grab your apron, and let’s embark on this tasty and Eco-friendly culinary adventure together!

Also, this is a fantastic opportunity to delve into the world of cooking and improve your culinary skills. You could totally explore the art of dicing, chopping, and mincing. Personally, I found watching cooking YouTube channels like Binging with Babish and Culinary Universe incredibly helpful in honing my at-home cooking expertise. Trust me, having delicious and nutritious food during the winter months can make a world of difference. Plus, it’s generally a win-win situation for your taste buds and your wallet. So, why not give it a try?

Check out 22 Sustainable Recipes for Earth Day & Every Day for sustainable recipes to try.

Want to know what the best zero-waste pan is? Take a look at Average Sustainable Living.

 4. Eco-Friendly Art

Sustainable Indoor Activities For Students

Why not tap into your inner artist and explore the wonderful world of Eco-friendly art supplies? Imagine the joy of using water-based paints, recycled paper, or canvases sourced sustainably. By embracing these Eco-conscious options, your artistic creations will not only become stunning but also send a powerful message of environmental responsibility. Let’s embark on this artistic journey together!

Need inspiration for some fun and creative sustainable art projects? Why not try your hand at decoupage and paper mache? These crafts are not only enjoyable but also help reduce waste by using recycled materials. So grab some old magazines or newspapers and get ready to let your imagination run wild!

5. Eco-Minded Movie Night

Sustainable Indoor Activities For toddlers

Looking for a fun and sustainable indoor activity? Well, look no further than watching movies! It’s not only incredibly enjoyable, but it’s also a fantastic way to minimize our environmental impact. You can easily stream or download your favorite flicks, or dust off those old VHS or DVDs for a nostalgic movie night. With thousands of movies to choose from, you’ll never run out of options! Plus, you can even be environmentally conscious by renting them from your local library or buying them second-hand from places like the Exchange. And if you’re all about going the extra mile for sustainability, why not dive into some fascinating nature documentaries like the mesmerizing Blue Planet? Sit back, relax, and let the wonders of our planet unfold before your eyes!

6. Green Exercise Routines

Sustainable Indoor Activities For preschoolers

Exercising is actually a wonderful sustainable indoor activity to get involved in! Not only does it do wonders for your mental and physical health, but going to a public gym is also a sustainable choice. Instead of everyone buying their own equipment and constantly having to purchase new gear, many people can use the same equipment at the gym. This way, we all contribute towards reducing waste and unnecessary consumption.

If you’re interested in starting a sustainable workout routine but you’re not really into gym memberships, here’s a great solution for you. Why not consider setting up a home gym with energy-efficient exercise equipment? It’s a fantastic way to exercise with a purpose, knowing that you’re not only benefiting your health but also being kind to the environment. You have options here – you can either buy brand-new or used machines that need to be plugged in, or you can go for the most energy-efficient option by grabbing a jump rope and some dumbbells. These are fantastic equipment choices as they don’t require any electricity to use. You can also check out platforms like Craigslist for some great deals on used equipment.

If you’re looking for assistance in developing a sustainable fitness routine, I highly recommend giving the Caliber App a try! It’s completely free and allows you to customize the number of days you want to work out each week, as well as the equipment you have available. The app will provide you with a template that you can easily modify by swapping out different workouts. Plus, it even keeps track of the weights you lifted during your previous workouts!

7. Sustainable Reading

Sustainable Indoor Activities For Kids

Reading can be a fantastic indoor activity that is both enjoyable and sustainable. Consider giving e-books a try, as they can easily be accessed on your phone, tablet, or laptop. Alternatively, purchasing used books is also a great option. If you have access to a local library, I highly recommend trying out the Libby app to borrow e-books. Additionally, you can visit the library to borrow traditional paperbacks, VHS tapes, DVDs, CDs, and sometimes even some handy utensils. Take a moment to explore the sustainable activities your library has to offer!

8. DIY Sustainable Home Improvement

Sustainable Indoor Activities For Adults

With winter in full swing, we find ourselves spending more time indoors, don’t we? And what better time to tackle those home maintenance and improvement projects that have been neglected? Let’s take a moment to look around and see what needs attention.

First things first, let’s start by addressing those burnt-out light bulbs. Why not switch them out with LED bulbs? They’re not only energy-efficient but they also last longer, giving you a brighter and more cost-effective lighting solution.

Oh, and by the way, if you happen to have a Moen fixture, you’re in luck! Their customer support is fantastic and they even send out replacement cartridges for free. That’s definitely a nice bonus.

Since it’s winter, it’s a good idea to insulate your windows to keep the cold air out and the warm air in. And if you can find a system that can be used year after year, that’s even better!

Now, let’s not forget about some important tasks like cleaning out your water tank and changing the air filter in your furnace. It’s all part of winter maintenance and deep cleaning that helps keep everything running smoothly.

If you’re looking for a little inspiration or guidance on how to tackle these projects, I highly recommend checking out YouTube. There are plenty of videos out there that can guide you step-by-step, and if you’re like me and prefer a visual, hands-on approach, it’s perfect. Personally, I love watching This Old House on YouTube for some great maintenance tips and tricks.

So, let’s make the most of this winter season and get those home projects in order. Trust me, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and your space will be even cozier than before!

9. Sustainably Play Games

Sustainable Indoor Activities at Home

Let’s talk about playing games in a sustainable manner! Chances are, you’re already playing games responsibly, but I wanted to touch upon it nonetheless.

One great way to sustainably play games is by starting with the ones you already have. Dust off those old board games hiding in the closet, grab the deck of cards from the junk drawer, and have a blast! But remember, sustainable gameplay isn’t limited to just board games; it can also include virtual games.

Computer games and game console games can be just as sustainable. Whether you stream a game or purchase a digital copy, you’re avoiding the support of physical consumerism by opting for a digital version. Additionally, if you happen to own an older console or a computer with a CD drive, consider visiting a game exchange to buy used games that are new to you. Personally, I still enjoy playing with my trusty old Game Boy Advanced SP and finding “new” games at the exchange.

Buying used games and consoles not only helps you be more sustainable, but also allows you to entertain kids without breaking the bank on a new console every time a new release comes out. It can also be a wonderful way to bond with your child by sharing a game from your own childhood.

Looking for more information on sustainable games? Check out Zero Waste New Year Activities

10. Sustainable Home Spa

Hands-On Sustainability activities

For a delightful at-home spa experience, you can start by utilizing items you already have. Get creative and use your nail polish, whatever supplies you have on hand, or even think about the perfect location within your home. However, if you find yourself needing to replace any items or want to add something new, remember that sustainability is key.

When exploring new products to enhance your spa day, remember that this day is all about you! Look for scents that you love, but also take a moment to consider where the ingredients are sourced and how the product is made. Opt for cruelty-free options that align with your values, and don’t forget to pay attention to the packaging too. Have you ever tried a shampoo bar or a conditioner bar? How about a luxurious lotion bar? These could be enjoyable additions to your cruelty-free self-care routine.

If you’re in the mood for a relaxing soak in the tub or just want to pamper your feet, consider adding scented Epsom salts to the experience. It’s a small touch that can make a big difference in your spa session. Enjoy your sustainable and invigorating self-care time, and let this be a moment of rejuvenation and tranquility.

11. Green Home Brewing

Sustainable Activities Example

Green Home Brewing is such a fantastic activity! Not only is it incredibly enjoyable, but it also allows you to unleash your creativity. Of course, there are a few factors that might make some people hesitant to join in, such as space limitations and costs. But fear not, there are ways to overcome these obstacles.

To tackle the issue of costs, you can always start by browsing through online platforms like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace to find used brewing equipment. It’s a great way to save some money and still get all the essentials you need. When it comes to ingredients, I recommend taking a trip to your local brewing supply store. They usually have fantastic kits that are perfect for beginners. Once you feel more comfortable with the brewing process, you can start exploring local farms for more affordable ingredients.

Now, let’s talk about bottling. While you could definitely purchase new bottles, why not consider repurposing? Personally, I love reusing old wine bottles. I simply remove the labels, and they’re good to go for my next batch of delicious honey-wine.

If you’re just starting out, I have a few highly recommended reference books for you to check out. For those interested in brewing beer, “The Complete Joy of Homebrewing Third Edition” is an excellent resource. If you’re more inclined towards wine making, “Home Winemaking Step by Step: A Guide to Fermenting Wine Grapes” is a must-read. And for those curious about the fascinating world of mead, “The Complete Meadmaker” will surely provide you with all the knowledge you need.

Cheers to your new green home brewing adventure!

In a nutshell, there are infinite possibilities to make your indoor activities super sustainable! By embracing these Eco-friendly practices, you’ll not only lessen your impact on the environment but also promote ethical behavior and contribute to a brighter, greener future. Whether you’re into crafting, gardening, cooking, or just kicking back and chilling, each and every choice you make can truly make a substantial difference in the ongoing battle against climate change. So let’s get started today and make our indoor activities more sustainable, inspiring others along the way. Together, we can shape a more aware and fulfilling future for our planet!

Just wanted to remind you that the first step towards living a sustainable lifestyle is by raising awareness! It would be awesome if you could help spread the word by sharing this post with your friends and family. Let’s inspire them to embrace sustainability not just in their outdoor adventures, but also in their indoor activities. Together, we can make a collective effort to protect our beautiful planet, all while enjoying our favorite pastimes. Thanks for being a part of this amazing journey