Category: DIY

  • ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’š Celebrating Mother’s Day Sustainably๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒฟ

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    Hello my Average Friends! Can you believe it’s almost Mother’s Day? Woohoo! ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒผ Let’s stop for a sec and give a big shout-out to all the amazing women who have brought so much love and care into our lives. You rock, Moms! ๐Ÿ’– But hey, let’s not forget about our awesome planet, Mother Earth, who… Read more

  • Sustainable Cinco de Mayo!

    Sustainable Cinco de Mayo!
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    Cinco de Mayo is such a fun and exciting celebration! It’s all about bright colors, lively music, and amazing food. People from all over the world love this annual event, which originally commemorated Mexico’s victory over the French Empire in a historic battle. Nowadays, Cinco de Mayo is a global festival that showcases Mexican culture… Read more

  • Sustainable Baby Care

    Sustainable Baby Care
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    Isn’t it just the most amazing and delightful thing bringing a brand new little soul into this absolutely mesmerizing world? But listen, as we revel in all the joy that comes with this extraordinary journey, we must also remember our important role in ensuring that our little bundles of joy inherit a planet that is… Read more

  • Sustainable Easter 2024!

    Sustainable Easter 2024!
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    If you’re someone who celebrates Easter, let’s talk about how we can make it a more sustainable and enjoyable holiday. Traditional Easter festivities often involve excessive waste, with plastic grass, excessive candy, and harmful dyes. So, let’s break it down into three categories: decor, food, and waste elimination. Now, I get it, it might be… Read more

  • Activities for a Sustainable Spring

    Activities for a Sustainable Spring
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    Can you believe it? Winter is finally saying goodbye and making way for the glorious sustainable spring! Can you feel the sense of new beginnings and growth all around? It’s like a breath of fresh air! This is the moment we’ve been waiting for to wave goodbye to those winter blues. It’s time to go… Read more