Category: Holidays

Related to Holidays and Gift-Giving Occasions

  • 5 Sustainable Holiday Decor Ideas for the Average Person

    5 Sustainable Holiday Decor Ideas for the Average Person
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    It’s time to decorate for the Season. You see everyone’s lights outside and their plastic snowman and all you can think is, that’s pretty but that is a lot of plastic, electricity, and money.  Worry not average citizen, I am here to help. First, I want to define sustainability. Sustainability means it can be done… Read more

  • 15 Sustainable Gifts for the Average Person

    15 Sustainable Gifts for the Average Person

    Are you tired of looking for a gift that won’t break the bank and is useful? Here is a must-have list of sustainable gifts for the average person. The struggle to find a sustainable, purposeful gift is hard, especially if you are busy and forget there is a holiday coming up. I hope you can… Read more