Category: Uncategorized

  • 10+ Sustainable Essentials Items to Have in Your Bag.

    10+ Sustainable Essentials Items to Have in Your Bag.

    The biggest obstacle to sustainable practices is being caught unprepared. You go out to dinner after work and cannot finish your food, you have no to-go containers on you and the restaurant only has Styrofoam to-go boxes. You see a farmer stand and want to grab a few items but have no bag. This is… Read more

  • Average Sustainable Living

    Average Sustainable Living

    Sustainable Living is not that difficult. It looks different for each person and is influenced by budget constraints but is not difficult. This post is going to walk you through the life of an average person with sustainable tendencies. I hope it helps you to find sustainable habits. Let’s walk through average sustainable living. In… Read more

  • Give a Second Life to your Christmas Tree

    Give a Second Life to your Christmas Tree
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    Christmas is over and you have a beautiful, real Christmas tree that still has something left to offer the world. I have a potential solution to repurpose your Christmas tree as an outdoor nature tree using Sustainable Ornaments.   Rather than tossing out your Christmas Tree, why not give it a second life outside for… Read more

  • The Personal Cost of Sustainability

    The Personal Cost of Sustainability

    Did you ever consider what the personal cost of sustainability would be? The personal time investment and financial cost? I am here to help guide you through the breakdown.   When I talk about the cost of sustainability, I am referring to your time and your money. In this post, I am not going to… Read more

  • 5 Sustainable Holiday Decor Ideas for the Average Person

    5 Sustainable Holiday Decor Ideas for the Average Person
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    It’s time to decorate for the Season. You see everyone’s lights outside and their plastic snowman and all you can think is, that’s pretty but that is a lot of plastic, electricity, and money.  Worry not average citizen, I am here to help. First, I want to define sustainability. Sustainability means it can be done… Read more