5 Sustainable Holiday Decor Ideas for the Average Person

It’s time to decorate for the Season. You see everyone’s lights outside and their plastic snowman and all you can think is, that’s pretty but that is a lot of plastic, electricity, and money.  Worry not average citizen, I am here to help.

Sustainable Holiday Decor

First, I want to define sustainability. Sustainability means it can be done or used over and over. For the neighbor with the plastic snowman, I bet that gets used every year and while it might need a lightbulb change, it is sustainable. Holiday lights are more sustainable now that most are LEDs and the whole strand doesn’t stop if one bulb bites the dust. I consider those items sustainable if they continue to be used. Also, as a reminder of the 5 R’s of sustainability, no need to go out and purchase sustainable decorations if you have decorations. Use what you have first.

Here are my 5 Sustainable Holiday Decor Ideas for this Winter Season

Holiday Tree

Orange tree ornaments


Click HERE to watch Laura from Garden Answer create a Nature Tree.

Holiday trees have a lot of controversy around them. There are numerous debates about real trees vs. artificial trees and the tradition of finding presents under the tree. I am here to let everyone know from a sustainability perspective, you can make a live tree or a fake tree more sustainable.

If you are considering an artificial tree, there are pros and cons. The fake tree when properly stored can last many years and you did not kill a real tree. The con is that when you are finally done with that tree what do you do with it? You might be able to donate the tree to a nursing home if the tree looks okay. You could repurpose the tree by making wreaths, garlands, or a mini tree. Outside of that, the tree goes to the dump.

If you are looking to get an artificial tree, I would look at the Home Heritage tree on Amazon. It has a lot of good reviews and while it is made with PVC, PVC is recyclable.

With a real tree, you have cut down a perfectly good tree. Now to make your live tree have more purpose than decoration when its time is done, you can use the tree for firewood, grind it into wood chips for composting or mulch, or extend its tree life by temporarily turning the tree into an outdoor nature tree.

If you are in an area that has this option, you can rent a live tree. This option allows you to have the tree indoors and decorated for the holidays but the tree gets replanted to grow after.

A holiday tree is a great sustainable decor option.


Sustainable Christmas Lights

For sustainable holiday lights, I would recommend looking for LED lights. They are bright, do not use a lot of electricity and the whole strip does not die if a single light quits. I will give this warning, it can get expensive. If you are looking for an old style of light but cannot afford the new option I would check out thrift stores and yard sales throughout the year. You could hit up an estate sale too. Understand when buying old lights, they may not work and can be fire hazards.

When you take your lights down for the year, it’s a sustainable investment to purchase a Christmas Light Reel. This way you can properly store your lights for next year.

Bonus: get a timer for your lights. If you have the money, some timers have a light sensor. Outdoor Timer with light sensor

Sustainable Tree Décor

Nature Tree

So, you have a tree and want to decorate it. I am assuming you do not have any decorations, or you have some but need more. If you have a look or theme to your tree, I would look at thrift stores, yard sales, and estate sales to find ornaments. An ornament should last you a lifetime if properly taken care of. To store ornaments properly and get longevity you could purchase an ornament storage box. I just have a plastic tote and wrap all my ornaments in paper.

The most sustainable ornaments are ones that are homemade/upcycled. This would be repurposed glassware, knickknacks that you glued a ribbon to, or you found pinecones and some interesting leaves, dried them out, and made a pinecone butterfly. Do not forget about the popcorn garland, cranberry garland, and dried orange slices as sustainable decor.

Click HERE for inspiration.

Tree Skirts

Sustainable Christmas Decorations

There is no need to buy a new tree skirt. A tablecloth, blanket, and bathrobe can all be thrown down there to be a tree skirt. You could even use a winter-themed actual skirt to wrap around the tree. If you feel the need for a tree skirt, look around for a used one.

Table Centerpieces

Natural Centerpiece

Table centerpieces can be made using natural materials. When you are done with your centerpiece you can dry the individual parts and try to save them. If that will not work, you can repurpose the pieces for use in other sustainable decor, or compost them.

You should use the above picture as an idea, you could switch out the pomegranates for oranges and even put cloves into the orange for added decoration and scent. Grab any pine branches for a filler, toss in pine cones, make a popcorn string, and add cranberries. This can be as complicated or as simple as you make it. I would look around for some candles or something for height. Like an old mason jar that can be filled with lights or popcorn or some branches.

When planning out your sustainable holiday décor the key takeaway should be longevity. Think about how you can store the item so you can use it over and over. Compostable and repurposeful helps, but if I can get 10 years out of a Christmas tree that is a sustainable win in my book.

Looking for Sustainable Gift Ideas? Click HERE to see 15 sustainable gift ideas.