15 Sustainable Gifts for the Average Person

Are you tired of looking for a gift that won’t break the bank and is useful? Here is a must-have list of sustainable gifts for the average person.Sustainable Gifts

The struggle to find a sustainable, purposeful gift is hard, especially if you are busy and forget there is a holiday coming up. I hope you can use this list as a reference sheet for the next few holidays and know that the gifts you are giving are purposeful and help the gift receiver save the environment. These are items quality eco-friendly gifts that I use or I wish I had. 

This list has items for inside, outside, kitchen, bedroom, children, etc. I tried to hit a little of everything.

After reading this post I hope that you will be inspired to have an ongoing emergency gifts list and will be prepared for the next gift-giving occasion.

This post is all about sustainable gifts for the average person.

Sustainable Gifts

1. Bees Wax Wrap

Cheep eco friendly gifts

Bees Wax Wrap

Beeswax wrap is the perfect sustainable gift for someone who likes to cook. It’s cheap, pretty, reusable, compostable, and eco-friendly. This is an easy change for someone to make and a likely change due to the pleasing patterns of the fabric.

I look for the beeswax roll, that way I can cut it to the sizes I need, but this is also found as pre-made storage bags and cut into different sizes already, click here for an example.

If you want to take the additional time, be sure to look at the ingredients or where the ingredients come from. Sometimes there are added plant oils that are not sustainable but for the most part, this is a safe bet for sustainability.

Places to buy:


Trader Joes

farmers/farmers markets

Zero-Waste Store

2. Tiffins

To go containersTo GO Containers

Tiffin Containers are perfect for a sustainable go-bag. They are big enough to store leftover food but compact enough to be kept in a purse. They are usually made from stainless steel making them recyclable at the end of their life but durable enough that when properly cared for will not need to be replaced in your lifetime.

Tiffins come in many different shapes and styles. They can be more bowed on the sides and get progressively smaller and can be painted to look pretty. Like this!

With its functionality, recyclability, and price ranges, this is a sustainable gift for any budget.

Where to find Tiffin Containers?






3. Cast Iron Pans

Gifts for environmentally conscious friends

Lodge Cast Iron

Cast Iron pans are the gift that keeps on giving. When used and maintained properly they are passed down for generations. You might even call them a buy-it-for-life item, and that is what makes Cast Iron cookware a sustainable gift.

You can buy a new cast iron pan, but they are out there used and still functional. It might have a bit of rust and need reseasoned but it is still a good pan. If that is the route you want to go, here is where you can find used pans.

I would also look at how to restore your pan here.

Places to buy Cast Iron Pans:



Antique Store



Sportsman Warehouse

4. Knife Sharpener

Unique Eco Friendly Gifts

Knife Sharpener

I personally feel that everyone needs a knife sharpener. There are times when scissors stop working or you are trying to cut a tomato and instead of slicing the tomato, you smash it. Therefore a knife sharpener is an extremely sustainable gift because it is a maintenance tool, it makes it so that you do not need to buy new knives or scissors. 

Knife sharpeners can get expensive quickly, but most people do not need an expensive sharpener. I personally have a handheld sharpener that I keep in my utensil drawer and pull out every time I am about to use a knife. A few quick swipes and I am ready to slice.

Electric sharpeners are tempting to get because it feels like they will do a better job but they are less convenient to pull out of a drawer, plug in, and make an event of sharpening, thus they are less useful. It will be up to you to choose which option is appropriate as a gift.

Where to buy a sharpener?



Home Depot

Sur la Table

5. Counter Top Garden

eco-friendly gifts Amazon

table top garden

Tabletop gardens have a wide price range, but you get what you pay for. The one listed above is an investment and has outstanding reviews on Amazon. What I like about this particular countertop garden is the height. This allows for more than just herbs. Now you can get the smaller ones and grow herbs and really make someone’s day. Herbs are expensive to buy. This is a top-tier sustainable gift idea due to saving plastic. Most herbs/produce come in plastic and often are not used up before use. This way not only are you saving on that packaging, but food waste as well.

This particular garden is linked above to the buy here button. I am going to list several others that are at a different price range below found at different stores.

Other Gardens:

Aerogarden at Kohls

Sonicgrace Hydroponics at Michaels

IDOO Hydroponics at Walmart

AeroGarden at HomeDepot


6. Good Chemistry Candle

Sustainable Gifts Coorporate

Refillable Candle

Candles have often been given as gifts, but how sustainable is it? Candles usually come in glass or tin containers, which are not plastic, but who reuses them? Certainly, some get repurposed and the rest are recycled. However, if you live in the USA, you need to clean out your container first, which is time-consuming so it usually does not happen, meaning your glass candle container is not being recycled. This is the solution.

I love Good Chemistry Candles! They smell nice and you do not need to buy a new container when your candle burns out! They sell candle inserts that come in a cardboard sleeve that you just push out and drop your new candle into your glass. This saves so much waste and makes an excellent gift for the average person to receive.

Where to Look for Good Chemistry Candles?

Whole Foods


Good Chemistry Online


7. Buckwheat Pillow

Luxury Eco Friendly gifts

Loaf Pillow

Okay, Bare with me for this one, Buckwheat pillows are an amazing, sustainable gift if the person is willing to try it.

I personally use a buckwheat pillow and I love it.  This pillow is filled with buckwheat hulls so when it’s time to change them out, it’s compostable. Its shape does not change or deflate as quickly as a regular pillow. It is more hypoallergenic than a regular pillow. It is more adjustable than a regular pillow. For example, if it is too full, unzip and remove some hulls. Does it need to be more firm? Unzip the case and add some more hulls.

There are different styles as well. The loaf pillow, which I use, is great for neck pain. It helps keep the arch in your neck and helps with snoring. Then there are different-sized standard rectangle pillows. I really cannot rave about this enough the neck pain went away and the allergies lessened.

Look for Buckwheat Pillows:

Loaf Pillow

Turmerry Organic Sobakawa Buckwheat Pillow

Beans72 Organic Buckwheat Pillow

Sweet ZZZ Pillow


8. Wallets


Sustainable Gifts for Him

Recycled Wallet

Sustainable Wallets are made from ethically sourced materials and designed to last a long time. The above wallet is made from recycled fire hose and combat boots. Most people believe that leather wallets are sustainable, that can be the case if the leather is leftover from the slaughterhouse or from an invasive species treated with non-harmful chemicals. I have a few alternative wallets to mention.

Ekster makes a wallet from recycled car windshields. This cardholder wallet is made from aluminum, car windshield, and vegan leather.  Card Holder

Tree Tribe makes a wallet from leaf leather. They look interesting because you can see the leaf veins.  Zip Wallet

Baguu is making wallets from recycled nylon. They look nice and come in different patterns. Tri-Fold Wallet

You cannot go wrong getting someone a nice wallet. It’s practical as everyone needs a wallet or cardholder. It’s a great sustainable gift for all genders.


9. Shave Kit

Sustainable Gifts for Her

Shave kit

Old-school shaving is back in style and it’s sustainable! Shaving with the special shave soap, the boar’s hair brush, and an old-school razer is almost relaxing. When it is time, the only thing to dispose of is the razor blade, and that is recycled. 

I personally use a Maggard Razor kit. They have a lot of soap options aftershave and blades to choose from. It was a minor adjustment from a disposable razor but it’s more mindful and I enjoy that. It’s no longer a speed race.

Please do not think this is just for men. Women use these products too. Give someone you love a sustainable gift with a shaving kit.

Consider these places when shopping

Maggard Razor

West Coast Shaving

Viking Revolution on Amazon

Original Shave Company

Razor Emporium

10. Toothbrush

luxury eco friendly gifts


Everyone has received a toothbrush as a gift, right? My parents used to put them in my stocking for Christmas. Well as an adult, I still think a quality toothbrush is a great gift. It is not something I would buy myself but would appreciate the sustainable gift.

The Suri toothbrush pictured above has a body made from aluminum, a 100% recyclable material, and the toothbrush heads and bristles are plant-based. Also, This toothbrush is designed to be taken apart for potential repairs.

The best part of this gift is you know it will be used and you are helping the person’s health and the environment.

Purchase a sustainable toothbrush:

Suri Electric Toothbrush

The Sustainable Tomorrow Electric Bamboo Toothbrush

PearlBear Electric Toothbrush

The Humble Co. Manual Bamboo Toothbrush

11. Detangler Brush

Eco-friendly gifts for her

Crave Hairbursh

I love this hairbrush. I have been using it for years and have had no issues with my hair frizzing or breaking. I know someone is going to point out that it is made of plastic and therefore cannot be sustainable. I would argue an easy cleanable, sturdy, plastic hairbrush is more sustainable for the average person than constantly buying a bamboo brush because it starts to get moldy or smells because it’s not getting cleaned, breaks, or you don’t want to use it because it pulls your hair.

I would recommend this brush for someone with long hair, curly hair, or for use on children.

You can find it at


Burlington Coat Factory


12. Crayons


Eco Friendly Gifts for Kids

Sustainable Crayons

I loved to color as a child. Crayons are everywhere from restaurants to schools. Honeystick crayons are made from beeswax and use food-grade pigments, that way the crayons are nontoxic for the curious taste tester. 

You can feel great when giving this sustainable gift to a child as both the crayon and the packaging are compostable. 

This would be the crayon I would choose to give as a gift.

Where can I find Honey Sticks Beeswax Crayons?




Earth Hero

13. Diapers

Sustainable Baby Gift

Sustainable Diapers

Baby gifts and baby showers can be tricky to buy for when sustainability is a concern. You want to give the couple new items at the shower that will be used and are good for the environment. Most of the time I think “Babies grow fast and it’s more sustainable to buy something used”, but this is not your baby. Reusable, cloth diapers are the sustainable gift answer.

Cloth diapers can be washed and used again. They are also colorful and most of the time unisex. They are easier than they were in your grandma’s time. They come with multiple snaps to adjust the fit as the child grows. There is an insert to be changed that can be disposable or reusable so you’re not doing as much laundry.

At my next baby shower, this is going to be the gift I am bringing.

Where do I find cloth diapers?




Nora’s Nursery

14. Compost Bins

Unique Zero Waste Gifts

Compost Bin

Compost bins make great sustainable gifts for the gardener. It uses leftover food, weeds, paper, etc., and gives them compost to fertilize the garden or houseplants.  This is compact enough to fit on a porch or deck if you live in an apartment.

I like this as a gift because it does not require the gift receiver to put any of their own money into additional supplies, and it cuts down on food waste.

Places to Buy This Compost Bin





Gardeners Supply Company

15. Felco Pruners

Unique Zero Waste Gifts

Buy it for Life

Felco Pruners are a buy-it-for-life item. They can be easily taken apart for sharpening and cleaning. They come in a variety of sizes and styles depending on the type of pruning you will be doing. This is one of the best gifts to receive if you are a gardener or plant enthusiast. I did not realize how fatigued my hand and forearm would get from trimming until I tried Felco Pruners.

As far as sustainable gifts, these can be expensive depending on the model. Do your research first and determine if this is the gift you want to give.

Where to find Felcos?



The Home Depot

Possibly your local garden center


That was my 15 sustainable gift ideas. I hope you were able to find something that will work for your situation or get inspired at the very least.