New Year’s Sustainable Resolutions 2024

As we look forward to the start of a brand new year, it’s a great opportunity to take a moment and think about our lives. It’s a time for positive changes, both for ourselves and for the world we live in. While we often focus on personal goals and self-improvement, it’s equally important to consider resolutions that have a positive impact on our planet. Here, we’re going to delve into the idea of New Year’s sustainable resolutions and how they can contribute to creating a greener and more environmentally conscious future.

New Years Sustainable Resolutions


9 New Year’s Sustainable Resolutions for the Average Person


Let’s start by understanding what sustainability really means. It’s not just some big, complicated concept. Sustainability simply refers to the idea of meeting our needs today without taking away from the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It’s about finding that balance between the environment, society, and the economy. When we embrace sustainable practices, we’re working towards reducing our impact on the planet and creating a better world for the generations to come.

That’s why sustainable resolutions are so important, especially when we enter a new year. They encourage us to live in a way that’s conscious and eco-friendly. Our everyday choices and actions can make a huge difference in the environment, whether it’s through our carbon emissions or the waste we generate. By making resolutions that focus on sustainability, we’re taking a step towards making our planet cleaner, conserving valuable resources, and reducing our negative impact. It’s a way of showing that we care about the world we live in and the kind of legacy we leave behind for future generations.

Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot

Sustainable New Years Resolutions

How about committing to reducing your waste? It’s a wonderful idea, and you can do it by following the 5 R’s of sustainability. First, why not refuse to accept “gifts” that are not sustainable? It’s a small change that can make a big difference! Secondly, you can start by reducing the amount you buy or consume. By doing so, not only can you help the planet, but you might also save some money. Additionally, try to reuse items whenever possible instead of throwing them away. It’s amazing how many things can be given a second life! And remember to recycle items that can no longer be used, as well as compost your food waste. These little actions can have a huge impact. Now, here comes the fun part: you get to choose how you accomplish all this. Don’t worry if you need some guidance along the way, though. There are plenty of great articles out there that can help, so why not use some average sustainable tips to achieve your goal? It’s going to be a remarkable journey!

Reduce Energy Consumption

Sustainable Resolutions

Sustainable Resolutions

Another awesome idea for a sustainable New Year’s resolution is to focus on reducing your energy consumption. You can easily achieve this by simple actions like turning off lights when not needed, unplugging electronics that are not in use, and switching to energy-efficient LED light bulbs. Moreover, consider taking it up a notch by upgrading your plugs and outlets to smart ones, which will help you optimize your energy usage even further. Making these small changes can have a big impact on our environment!

Reduce Single-Use Plastics

New Year's Sustainable Resolutions

Sustainable resolutions

Have you ever thought about reducing your single-use plastics as a way to contribute to sustainability? It’s actually a really simple yet effective way to make a positive impact. Just take a moment and think about all the plastic you use in a week – chances are, most of it is only used once and then thrown away or recycled. But guess what? There are reusable alternatives out there for many of these items!

As we approach the new year, why not make a sustainable resolution by replacing a few of these single-use plastic items with reusable alternatives? Trust me, it’s totally doable and can make a big difference. Consider trying out beeswax wrap, silicone storage bags, or even investing in a stainless steel water bottle. These are all fantastic starting points that can really kick start your journey towards a more sustainable lifestyle. So go ahead, give it a try, and feel good about making a positive change!

Support Sustainable Brands

New Years Sustainable Resolution

Sustainable resolutions


Hey there! Looking for a fantastic New Year’s resolution that’s all about sustainability? Well, how about showing some love to sustainable brands? You can easily start by picking a sustainable coffee producer, like the amazing Rockin Cat Coffee, or even going for an ethical clothing brand like Pact. The best part? It’s totally up to you and your budget! After all, it’s your very own sustainable resolution.

Minimize Food Waste

New Years Resolutions

One of the coolest New Year’s resolutions you can make is to reduce food waste. It’s actually way easier than you might think! All you have to do is make a few changes to your shopping routine and learn how to store your produce properly, or even get into composting those food scraps. Trust me, you’ll be doing your part for the planet while also saving some moolah!

Alternative Transportation

New Year's Resolution Sustainable

Did you know that there are plenty of alternative transportation methods that can help you reduce your personal emissions? You could try riding a bike, hopping on a scooter, taking the bus, or even carpooling. It all depends on what suits your transportation needs, but even if you do it just once a week or a month, it’s already a step closer to making a positive impact compared to what you were doing before.

Sustainable Garden

Sustainable Resolution

Let’s talk about creating a beautiful and sustainable garden together! Whether you have a patio or a spacious yard, we can make it come to life. How about planting native plants and transforming your grass into a charming meadow? Discovering the perfect plants for your area is easy; just head to your local garden center or state extension building and they will provide you with all the information you need.

Imagine spending time in your garden, surrounded by butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees – it’s like being in your own little piece of nature! It’s a delightful way to bring these lovely creatures closer to you.

And hey, have you ever considered growing your own vegetables and herbs? Not only would that be incredibly rewarding, but it could also help reduce your reliance on the grocery store. Let’s get started on this exciting journey to a more sustainable lifestyle!


Sustainable Resolution book

Sustainable Resolutions

Education is a valuable tool for implementing positive changes. Books that provide guidance on sustainability, such as those focused on reducing plastic waste, composting, and embracing a zero-waste lifestyle, can be excellent resources to begin with. These recommended books are readily accessible at the library and written in a straightforward manner.

In addition to books, there is a wealth of information available on sustainable practices through various blogs, such as Going Zero Waste, One Green Planet, and Average Sustainability. Exploring these blogs can further enhance your understanding of sustainable living.

Making a sustainable education goal for the new year is highly commendable as it naturally paves the way for positive transformations in our habits and practices.


Sustainable Volunteering

Establishing a volunteering objective can also align with sustainability objectives. Examples of sustainable volunteering initiatives include participating in litter clean-up activities, planting indigenous plants alongside highways or bike paths, and assisting in the transportation of surplus food for donation.

That was 9 New Year’s Sustainable Resolutions

As we step into a brand new year, why not shift our focus from just improving ourselves to also making a positive impact on the world? Sustainable New Year resolutions provide a wonderful opportunity to contribute to a greener and healthier planet. By simply making eco-friendly choices and commitments, we can join forces to build a future that is more sustainable and kinder to our environment. Let’s start small, set attainable goals, and keep in mind that each step we take towards sustainability truly matters. Together, we have the power to create a beautiful world for ourselves and for future generations.